AREA52 Price Listing for September/October 1994.

Although many Amiga mail order companies and dealers are becoming harder to
locate, it only makes room for us smaller dealers to bring you the same
products at the same prices you would expect from the largest mail order
house around.  Over the summer we at AREA52 have been slowly expanding our
product line to contain hardware such as hard drives, monitors, and
accelerators, along with software from various smaller developers in the
area.  Here are some of our prices, but look for more in the October issue
of Video Toaster User.  We welcome you to compare prices!

    17" AOC SVGA monitor, digital controls, .28mm 1280x1024 NI     $625
    14" SVGA monitors, many brands, .28mm, 1024x768 NI              260
    Warp Engine 68040 for A4000, 0mhz, SCSI2                        750
    Cyberstorm 68040 for A4000, 0mhz                                750
    Personal Animation Recorder                                    1499
    Conner 540 megabyte IDE hard drive, PAR compatible              299
    Conner 810 megabyte IDE hard drive                              499
    Conner 1.0 gigabyte IDE hard drive, PAR compatible              625
    Micropolis 2210A 1.0 gigabyte hard drive, IDE, PAR compatible   699
    Micropolis 2217A 1.7 gigabyte hard drive, IDE, PAR compatible   950
    Micropolis 2210 1.0 gigabyte hard drive, SCSI2                  699
    Micropolis 2217 1.7 gigabyte hard drive, SCSI2                  950
    Micropolis 2217AV 1.7 gigabyte hard drive, SCSI2                999
    Fujitsu 530 megabyte SCSI hard drive                            350
    Fujitsu 1.0 gigabyte SCSI hard drive                            625
    Samsung 251 megabyte IDE hard drive                             199
    Samsung 426 megabyte IDE hard drive                             250
    Barracuda 2.1 gigabyte SCSI2 hard drive                        1350
    Barracuda 4.2 gigabyte SCSI2 hard drive                        2599
    Seagate 42 megabyte 2.5" IDE hard drive for A1200, A600         150
    Seagate 210 megabyte 2.5" IDE hard drive for A1200, A600        299
    Seagate 340 megabyte 2.5" IDE hard drive for A1200, A600        425
    Seagate 524 megabyte 2.5" IDE hard drive for A1200, A600        625
    External drive bays      1 drive bay $99. 2: $150, 4: $250, 8: $475

    Most drives are 2 year minimum to 5 year warranty on larger drives.
    MTBF of 23 years on all drives! Most drives are 3.5" half height.

Order (800) 730-0082, or FAX 24 hour orders to (516) 476-1615.  NY State
residents may order using (516) 476-1615.  NY State residents must add 8%
sales tax.  VISA and MasterCard accepted.  COD accepted by money order or
cash equivalent.  Prices subject to change.

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